Monday, July 11, 2011

Back packing as a family

Today we started a new adventure called Geo caching,  a friend told mom about this site we go to that site and map out an area and go hunting for some caches. We started out looking for cache one titled enjoy the trail #1  on the whithlacooche rails to trails.  We started by using our gps to punch in the cordinates that we were giving with the hint of it being a 35mm film canister. so we went to find it. we found it!!!!  in it was a log for us to date and sign our names that we found it so we headed off to find another and another we found 3 so far. we could have gone further and made a long day out of it but the rain kicked us out lol. so we had to go home,  now we will keep doing some more caching and I hear  some caches are lil prizes we may like to keep but if we do keep them we have to replace them with somthing else.  Can you believe this geo caching is all over the world. everyone should try it out. remember get off the couch and out the door and explore and have fun with natures beauty..

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