Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ten types of flowers all right here in my yard

Thanks to my mommom we have alot of nice flowers  and im going to post pictures of them all..

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dads last day in town

Tonight dad leaves for North Carolina.. so today he is going to cook out on his new grill. my memom is coming over im going with dad to pick her up so ill return  when we get back.
I'm back and memom is here and mom and mommom are home now they had to work today so now we get to eat im gonna go out and help dad on the grill a little bit so ill be going back and forth.  okay dinner is over I love bbq hot dogs especially OSCAR MAYERS they are  the best ( mommoms favorite) she got me to like them too.  now we are going to go see the new cars movie so bye bye  ill blog some more as my summer goes on.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Out on a BOAT today

Todaay we went out on a Pontoon boat we spent 9 hours out there and we pretty much had the whole place to our selves woohoo thank goodness  for scallop season  it kept most of the boaters out of the water in hernando. Dad let my sister and I drive the boat it was sooo much fun we tried to go fishing but the darn things just were not biting maybe its because they didnt like our bait. but thats okay that we didnt catch anything we still had fun spending the day with our dad and friends of the family. we even took our friends dog with us he had a blast too we stop atan island to have a look around it looked like some swamp buggys went riding through there. after a long day on the boat we realized darnit we should of brought some tubes to go tubing but better luck next time  we stopped in the middle of the lake and jumped in the water with our dad  and cooled off a bit in the water it was so refreshing.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Visiting Another town

Today we went to SPRING HILLS Water park and spent the day there we had so much fun, I cant wait to go back there again...   I went on some fun slides with my dad .  here i am coming down the slide dad  went before me so that he could watch me coming down. i loved the slide and kept goin on it over and over again

My Family

Friday, June 24, 2011

Woohooo Dads Home (Portrait of Parent)

Dad arrived late last night so today we are going to celebrate fathers day.. My sister and I drew our own  portraits of our dad. we didnt get a picture so hopefuklly next time dad comes home in sept. we can take a picture of them to add to the blog.  We also made a poem each for our dad. then we went shopping to buy dad a new phone and a new grill that was our secret. we also bought a T-shirt that we could put our handprints on  it says worlds best dad hands down!!!!

I have returned its the day after  i wanted to report that dad had an awesome Fathers day.  He loved all of our gifts especially our poems and our portraits of him.  We had a fun day as well and oh my goodness for dinner we ordered this huge pizza,  it barely made it through our door.  Then to get in the kitchen dad had to lift it above the refrigerator.. pictures  below

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers day!!!!!!

Happy Father's day to the BEST DAD EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Since dad could not be home for Fathers day we will make it up to him  next weekend with lots of surprises. I could tell you what the surprises are buttt  someone might read my blog and spoil it by telling him our plans so ill wait till next weekend to tell you.

My dad is my hero he drives a big semi truck and he drives everywhere to delivery goods to warehouses. he is gone alot of times, usuallly 6 wks at a time but when hes home for a week we make the best of time with him. he works so hard for our mom and us.. Dad   deserves the best fathers day ever...  in the mean time KEEP ON TRUCKING DAD!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A day of watching birds

While moms at work mommom, gloria and I are watching the different kinds of birds that come to our yard on a daily basis.
We had a female cardinal visit my new bird feeder. A male cardinal and a titmouse, chikadee, Downy woodpecker visited as well and we even saw a redbellied woodpecker and blue jays.  cant forget the bats that fly above us as we were sitting by the fire roasting marshmallows. we also get some owls that visit us  we watched one dive down and take a drink from the bird bath. 2 winters ago we had baby screech owls that fell out of a broken tree. mom and mommom called the wildlife to come get them so we could make sure they were okay.

                                                                    male cardinal

                                                                          male red bellied woodpecker
2 pleated woodpeckers

                                                                                       the great     flycatcher

 one of the baby screech owls that fell out of the tree after a storm

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Making a bird feeder from recyclables

Today my mommom helped my sister and i make our own bird  feeder out of a 2 liter soda bottle that was fun we used sticks to add for the birds to stand on while they eat.

picture coming soon