Sunday, June 26, 2011

Out on a BOAT today

Todaay we went out on a Pontoon boat we spent 9 hours out there and we pretty much had the whole place to our selves woohoo thank goodness  for scallop season  it kept most of the boaters out of the water in hernando. Dad let my sister and I drive the boat it was sooo much fun we tried to go fishing but the darn things just were not biting maybe its because they didnt like our bait. but thats okay that we didnt catch anything we still had fun spending the day with our dad and friends of the family. we even took our friends dog with us he had a blast too we stop atan island to have a look around it looked like some swamp buggys went riding through there. after a long day on the boat we realized darnit we should of brought some tubes to go tubing but better luck next time  we stopped in the middle of the lake and jumped in the water with our dad  and cooled off a bit in the water it was so refreshing.

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