Thursday, June 16, 2011

A day of watching birds

While moms at work mommom, gloria and I are watching the different kinds of birds that come to our yard on a daily basis.
We had a female cardinal visit my new bird feeder. A male cardinal and a titmouse, chikadee, Downy woodpecker visited as well and we even saw a redbellied woodpecker and blue jays.  cant forget the bats that fly above us as we were sitting by the fire roasting marshmallows. we also get some owls that visit us  we watched one dive down and take a drink from the bird bath. 2 winters ago we had baby screech owls that fell out of a broken tree. mom and mommom called the wildlife to come get them so we could make sure they were okay.

                                                                    male cardinal

                                                                          male red bellied woodpecker
2 pleated woodpeckers

                                                                                       the great     flycatcher

 one of the baby screech owls that fell out of the tree after a storm

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